Join the City of St. Augustine Planning and Building Department when they host a public Workshop to provide input on the Resilient Building Techniques.
When: Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Where: City Hall in The Alcazar Room
The workshop will focus on building and construction techniques in flood prone areas. This includes a discussion on the amount of fill allowed on properties, retaining walls, and other types of more resilient development options.
The Planning and Zoning Board (PZB) has been tasked by the City Commission to consider these issues, impacts on adjacent properties and low-lying areas, and the potential adoption of provisions to address these issues in the land development code.
For inquiries regarding this issue, please contact:
1) Richard “Buddy” Schauland, Building Official and Certified Floodplain Manager at 904-209-4327 or via email at
2) Amy McClure Skinner, Planning and Building Director, at 904-209-4320 or via email