Read About St. Augustine, Florida. Visit the Nation’s Oldest City

St. Augustine, the nation's oldest city, also holds the distinction of being one of the nation's most charming. Whether you're a longtime resident or visiting the area for the first time, we've gathered all the resources you need to find where to stay, what to do and other community information about our unique little village.

  • Flapjacks and Fashion Benefit

Flapjacks & Fashion Benefit

2025-03-04T10:58:40-05:00March 4th, 2025|, , , , , , |

Join the St. Augustine Humane Society for Flapjacks & Fashion ... a Benefit for the animals.  Attendees will enjoy a full breakfast served by local volunteers while enjoying live-modeled fashions from CottonWays.   Adoptable dogs and cats will also be onsite. All proceeds will go to the Humane Society to help support pets in need in [...]

  • Nights of Lights

Nights of Lights Self-Guided Tour

2017-11-17T11:44:56-05:00November 17th, 2017|City Blog, Community, Fall Activities, Special Events, What to Do|

Are you worried you’ll exhaust your many tour options for Nights of Lights, and will still want more? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Luckily, we’ve created an awesome Nights of Lights Self-Guided Tour that is efficient and highlights the prettiest parts of the historic district. Our Nights of Lights tour provides Google-linked locations [...]

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