St. Augustine Lions Seafood Festival ... Hey, We're Having Fun Now

See all St. Augustine, Florida has to offer. Visit the Nation’s Oldest City.

St. Augustine, the nation’s oldest city, also holds the distinction of being one of the nation’s most charming. Whether you’re a longtime resident or visiting the area for the first time, we’ve gathered all the resources you need to find where to stay, what to do and other community information about our unique little village.

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Greek Landing Day

St. Photios Greek Orthodox National Shrine 41 St. George Street, St. Augstine

Greek Landing Day - June 26 Greek Landing Day celebrates St. Augustine's immigration history and honors the memory of the 500 Greek colonists who came to America as indentured servants with Andrew Turnball. Most arrived on June 26, 1768 with only a third surviving to return to St. Augustine as New Smyrna refugees. The Greek [...]

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